Strange Powers
I think I may be emitting abnormal levels of electromagnetic resonance.
Not a scientific finding. There were no doctors' visits or lab tests. I'm just going by the empirical data, my people. And the facts are these: my mail won't send, I crashed my backup hard drive (and lost all the "letters" I'd been saving since e-mail was born because I forgot to backup my mailchives). I can't log onto the Internet on my desktop computer.
I'm killing the electronics in our house, one small thumb drive, browser, DVD burner, and hard drive at a time.
I don't know if my new superpower benefits me or the cheerleaders, but I do know that the neoluddites can rally around my newfound abilities. And I'm available for e-retaliation should your devices be getting a little uppity.
Watch out Wii. I don't want to take you out, but apparently I can't help myself.