Sunday, January 21, 2007

Lions and Rabbits and--Is That a Bear?

Today, Finn woke up and looked like a lion.

Certainly, there's a lion in every toddler. I don't doubt that. But I'm not talking disposition here. What I am talking about is an animalistic resemblance to one or the other of his family lines--a kind of aesthetic inheritance.


My family looks like rabbits. We have upturned twitchy noses, puffy cheeks cast right under our beady little eyes, and a slight buck-toothed overbite. Rabbits.

Barry's family, they're lions. They have longer, wider noses, thin yet curvy lips. And they have fantastic hair. Hence, lions.

Usually, Finn shows the mark of the rabbit clan. And even though he may roar--and I'm talking literally here, with crinkly Klingon nose and incomprehensible gutteral yawps--he still is a rabbit. A rabbit with a roar.

But today, he started as a lion. His features a little less, what?, upturned.

Today, he proved, for once and for all, that he is decidely not the mailman's child.

Who looks a lot like a bear.

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