Saturday, January 05, 2008

Skip. Tie. And Sliiiddde.

Are you sitting down? I hope you're sitting down. Because if you're not sitting down, you're going to wish you were sitting down and then you'll probably sit down because you're so wanting of the sitting down.

(Can you tell we cleared the whole disc of the Best of the Best of the Electric Company? I would you think you could tell. Tell me. Can you tell?)

So, because of our binge viewing of EC last night and also thanks to the Dora the Explorer workbook I bought Finn yesterday (Verbs! First Action Words!), my child can read.

You read me right, my people. Finn can read.

Okay, so it was just two words--skip and tie--that he sounded out. On his own. Without prompting. (And while I was editing yesterday's post to include EC's Whedon connection.)

But, folks, it's two words. And as we all know, every journey begins with not just one step, but two. Because that first step could've been an accident, or some lucky footwork, or the beginnings of the Electric Slide, which is fun, but is decidedly not a journey.

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