Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sometimes Finding a Streudel Is Akin to the Pulling of the Teeth

I can't--and I won't! I won't!--say this was a bad day. If you've been reading this blog, you know I've had far worse. This just don't compare.

But some days, my people, all the cliches have to come out. And today was one of those pulling-teeth, herding-cats, there-must-be-a-silver-lining-here-somewhere days. It just was. And the drone that was Finn's whining and fussing and just plain being Four and a Half puts a big blotter on trying to tease any semblance of silver.

Oh--you haven't meet Four and a Half?

Sometimes it is joyous and wonder and has very funny things to say. With unlimited encores. Unfortunately, what's funny once is always funny on the eighth go 'round. But Four and a Half is persistent and will have laughter if Four and a Half wants laughter. Even if Four and a Half has to provide the laugh track himself. Which he will. With unlimited encores.

Four and a Half likes voices. Sometimes Four and a Half is an 70-year-old Jewish grandmother. Sometimes Four and a Half is a dead ringer for Peter Lorre. Sometimes Four and a Half is a monster truck. Four and a Half doesn't discriminate. Four a Half is an acoustic chameleon. And Four and a Half has exceptional endurance. Four and a Half never, never, tires of performing or perfecting any of his many personalities.

Today, Four a Half was Mr. Hyde with leaf blower. All day long. And he showed us just how "persistent" (re: obstinate and stubborn and all those other synonyms that mean obstinate and stubborn) he can be.

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